Who are we?
Éditions Bouton d’or Acadie, young at heart since 1996!
Founded by Marguerite Maillet in Moncton, New Brunswick to help youth literature blossom in Acadie, the publishing house has been directed since 2012 by a duo of dynamic women: Louise Imbeault, owner and editor, and Marie Cadieux, executive and literary director, surrounded by their team. The books published by Bouton d’or Acadie give dozens of creators the opportunity to showcase their talent and imagination in a professional environment, financially supported by the Canada Council for the Arts, the Canada Book Fund, and the Province of New Brunswick.
New books bloom with every season, their roots feeding into the rich soil of Acadian and Francophone culture, reaching out to the universal, abolishing borders, and building bridges between communities. From poetry and humour to nursery rhymes and documentaries, the editorial line is ambitious. To fulfill the needs of a diverse readership, the publishing house harvests about a dozen titles per year to add to their catalogue of more than two hundred and sixty titles, classified on “shelves” that represent both age groups and vehicles that propel readers onward to new adventures! The imprint Mouton noir Acadie, launched in 2020, is aimed at young adults who dare to venture off the beaten path.
Situated at a cultural crossroads, the publishing house encourages conversations and respect of our differences. Inclusion, accessibility, and diversity are at the heart of Bouton d’or Acadie’s values. The publishing house has worked closely with First Nations communities in Eastern North America since the early 2000s. These exchanges gave birth to the Wabanaki collection, written in three languages: French, English, and one of the Indigenous languages of the Wabanaki Confederacy (the word “Wabanaki” means “dawn” or “child of light”). Éditions Bouton d’or Acadie recognizes that it is situated on the unceded land of the Mi’kmaw and Wolastoqey peoples, with whom it strives to be allies.
In 2021, Bouton d’or Acadie created a catalogue of their journey to celebrate their 25th anniversary. This free publication is an overview of the company’s history, its creators, and its titles. Here is the online version:
Our partners
- Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick (AAAPNB)
- Association canadienne d’éducation de langue française (ACELF)
- Association des auteures et auteurs de l’Ontario français (AAOF)
- Association des enseignantes et des enseignants francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick (AEFNB)
- Association nationale des éditeurs de livres (ANEL)
- Association québécoise des Salons du livre (AQSL)
- Atlantic Publishers Marketing Association (APMA)
- Bellefeuille Production
- Centre de la francophonie des Amériques
- Centre de leadership et de l’évaluation (CLÉ)
- Communication-Jeunesse
- Conseil communautaire du Grand-Havre (CCGH)
- Conseil pour le développement de l’alphabétisme et des compétences des adultes du Nouveau-Brunswick (CODAC NB)
- Conseil provincial des sociétés culturelles (CPSC)
- District scolaire francophone Nord-Est (DSFNE)
- District scolaire francophone Nord-Ouest (DSFNO)
- District scolaire francophone Sud (DSFS)
- Encorp Atlantique Inc.
- Fédération culturelle acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse (FéCANE)
- Fédération des francophones de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador (FFTNL)
- Fédération des jeunes francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick (FJFNB)
- FousDeLire
- Institut Guy-Lacombe de la famille
- Lire et faire lire Acadie
- Lire et faire lire Québec
- Livres Canada Books
- Ministère de l’Éducation et du Développement de la petite enfance
- Partenariat en éducation
- Programme Parle-moi
- Regroupement des éditeurs franco-canadiens (REFC)
- Regroupement des parents et amis des enfants sourds et malentendants franco-ontariens (RESO)
- Salon du livre de Dieppe
- Salon du livre d’Edmundston
- Salon du livre de la Péninsule acadienne
- Service des bibliothèques publiques du Nouveau-Brunswick (SBPNB)
- Société culturelle Kent Sud
- Société culturelle Sud-Acadie
- Société de l’Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick (SANB)
- Université de Moncton
- Et tous les tous les médias francophones et francophiles qui nous soutiennent!