
Genre: Biographies Jeunesse

Pages: 144

Date de parution: 16 January 2019

ISBN (Papier): 9782897501259

ISBN (ePub): 9782897501334

ISBN (PDF): 9782897501266

Code: BTN239

A Boy From Acadie


Roméo LeBlanc's Journey to Rideau Hall

Illustré par: Maurice Cormier
Auteur: Beryl Young

Moonbeam Children's Book Award 2019 Silver Medal Winner!


Born on a farm in the village of Cormier Cove in New-Brunswick, the young Roméo LeBlanc did not expect that one day, thanks to his loving family and some unexpected help from his sisters, he would have the chance to go to high school and university, become a history teacher, and then a journalist, finally a politician, climbing up the ladder to the highest position! Nevertheless, Roméo LeBlanc stayed modest and kept his great sense of humour all his life.

Discover a boy from Acadie and his Journey to Rideau Hall, the official home of the Governor General in Ottawa.

Also available in French under the title Un gamin acadien


Maurice Cormier

[English follows.]

Maurice Cormier a vu le jour un matin de printemps en 1971 à Shédiac au Nouveau-Brunswick. Dès un très jeune âge, il fut fasciné par la magie du trait de crayon et de toutes ses possibilités. Une fascination exprimée par les premiers gribouillages jusqu'aux oeuvres soigneusement travaillés d'aujourd'hui.

En 1999 il obtient un Bac en Arts Visuels de l'Université de Moncton. Maurice vit et travaille à Campbellton, où il poursuit activement sa carrière en arts et en enseignement privé des arts, tout en étant impliqué dans divers projets de dévelopement communautaire culturel.

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Maurice Cormier was born on a spring morning in 1971 in Shediac, New Brunswick. He has been fascinated by a pencil stroke’s magic and all its possibilities since he was very young; a fascination expressed through his first scribbles and in everything leading up to the works he completes meticulously today. In 1999, he received a Bachelor of Visual Arts from the University of Moncton. Maurice lives and works in Campbellton, where he pursues his career in the arts and in private arts education, while taking part in various cultural community development projects. 


Beryl Young

[English follows.]

Beryl Young est l’autrice d’Un gamin acadien : L’odyssée de Roméo Leblanc vers Rideau Hall. La Jeunesse de Tommy Douglas est son deuxième livre en français. Elle a aussi écrit sept livres en anglais pour enfants qui ont remporté plusieurs prix, dont celui de la médaille U.S. Silver Moonbeam.

Beryl réside à Vancouver. Elle a trois enfants et quatre petits-enfants. Elle dédie ce livre à Ed Broadbent pour le remercier de son engagement de toute une vie dans la démocratie sociale.

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Beryl Young is the author of A Boy from Acadie: Roméo Leblanc’s Journey to Rideau Hall. La Jeunesse de Tommy Douglas (A Boy Named Tommy Douglas) is her second book in French. She has also written seven children’s books in English that have won several awards, including the U. S. Silver Moonbeam medal. 

Beryl resides in Vancouver. She has three children and four grandchildren. She dedicates this book to Ed Broadbent to thank him for his life-long commitment to social democracy.
