
Genre: Jeunesse 0 à 3 ans

Pages: 24

Date de parution: 21 October 2019

ISBN (Papier): 9782897501822

ISBN (ePub): 9782897501846

ISBN (PDF): 9782897501839

Code: BTN250

Luna the Cat Doesn't Like That


Auteur: Nathasha Pilotte

Unlike his brother Zim (from Zim s’imagine), Luna is a little red-haired, hot-tempered cat. While his feline furry friend scurries and climbs around the house, Luna grrrr’s and growls, being his grumpy self. With their piercing eyes, pudgy bellies, and little pillows on their feet, even the best of us can’t resist to cats! But if they make us laugh, cats aren’t always in a good mood…

Will Luna’s human and his brother be able to cheer him up?

Also available in French under the title Luna n'aime pas


Nathasha Pilotte

[English follows.]

Native de la ville de Québec, Nathasha Pilotte réside à Saint-Jean (NB) depuis des années où elle a pratiqué la profession d'infirmière avant de se concentrer exclusivement à ses projets de créations. Elle aime travailler l'aquarelle et l'acrylique dans son salon qui lui sert de studio, le tout sous la supervision attentive de ses chats, Zim et Luha.


Nathasha Pilotte, from Québec City, has lived in Saint-John, New Brunswick since she became a nurse. She was in this profession for years before she decided to concentrate exclusively on her creative projects. She enjoys working with watercolours and acrylic paint in the living room that serves as her studio, under the attentive supervision of her cats Zim and Luna.