
Genre: Biographies Jeunesse Poésie

Pages: 32

Date de parution: 28 March 2023

ISBN (Papier): 9782897503321

ISBN (ePub): 9782897503345

ISBN (PDF): 9782897503338

Code: 20230323080005

Momma Gave


Illustré par: Alisa Arsenault
Auteur: Josephine C. Watson

A true love song of an adopted child, this beautiful story follows the journey of a child chosen by loving arms. A tribute to all mothers who must part with their children and to those who welcome these newborns as their own; this is a must-read. Especially since it is an interracial adoption, and baby Josephine, now a woman, celebrates the gift of the two women who were her mothers and the welcoming of her three brothers. A hymn to adoption and compassion.

Selected for Best Books for Kids & Teens - spring 2024

Also available in French under the title Maman m'a donnée...

Alisa Arsenault

[English follows.]

Alisa Arsenault est une artiste visuelle diplômée en estampe et en photographie de l’Université de Moncton. Elle expose en Acadie ainsi qu’au Québec, et elle a représenté sa province aux Jeux de la Francophonie à Abidjan, en Côte d’Ivoire, en tant qu’artiste médiatique. 


Alisa Arsenault is a visual artist with a degree in printing and photography from the University of Moncton. She showcases her work in Acadie as well as in Québec, and she attended Les Jeux de la Francophonie in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire as a newsworthy artist. 


Josephine C. Watson

[English follows.]

Josephine Watson est une poète, chanteuse et comédienne originaire de Fredericton (N.-B.). Du jazz au blues, du rock au reggae, de la poésie spoken word au théâtre, Josephine est une grande artiste de la scène. Elle a été la première femme nommée « Poète Flyée » de la ville de Moncton.


Josephine Watson is a poet, singer, and actor from Fredericton (NB). With her blues jazz, reggae rock, and spoken word poetry at the theatre, Josephine is an important performing artist. She was the first woman named Poet Laureate of Moncton.